Links & Resources
Activities by Class
Thank you to Cloughfin NS for sharing
Online learning
There are many resources online that are fantastic sources of information and provide ideas for fruitful activities.
Sometimes just providing a resource is not enough though, with the advent of YouTube we could all be expert guitar players and speak many languages fluently while executing complex gymnastic moves, but how many of us can?
We are social beings and social learners, learning from and with each other. We can definitely learn online and at a distance but it is different from our familiar set-up of learning together and different means a change of pace, method and expectations for everyone concerned.
The constant lists of websites and downloadables can prove overwhelming at times.
We will compile a list here that you can dip in and out of and use whenever suits, or totally ignore if that is what you need to do at this time!
Some other schools have also created 'Padlets' & 'Learning Paths' with suggestions and resources that we will link to.